K values and Classic and Wide metrics
K1 trough K5. By default K1 and K3 == 1; all others – 0 (only BW and Delay re taken into account).
- metric = [k1 * BW + (k2 * BW)/(256 – load) + k3 * delay]
- If k5 != 0, metric = metric * [k5/(reliability + k4)]
Scaled Bandwidth = 10^7/minimum interface bandwidth (in kilobits per second) * 256
Delay is in tens of microseconds * 256. hexadecimal FFFFFFFF (decimal 4294967295) – unreachable.
Reliability is given as a fraction of 255. That is, 255 is 100 percent reliability or a perfectly stable link.
Load is given as a fraction of 255. A load of 255 indicates a completely saturated link.
- metric = [k1 * Throughput + (k2 * Troughput)/(256 – load) + k3 * Latency + k6 * ExtM]
- If k5 != 0, metric = metric * [k5/(reliability + k4)]
BW is now Throughput * 65536
DLY is now Latency * 65536
ExtM are the extended metrics (Jitter, Energy, and Quiescent Energy).
RIB is capable of handling only 32-bit metrics. Default is to scale * 1/128
metric rib-scale [1-255]
Packet format
Encapsulated directly to IP with proto number 88;
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |Header Version | Opcode | Checksum | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Flags | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Sequence Number | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Acknowledgement number | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Virtual Router ID | Autonomous system number | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
Flags – 32-bit field indicating specific flags: 0x1 = Init (used during initial adjacency buildup), 0x2 = Conditional Receive (used by RTP to allow this message to be received only by a subset of receivers), 0x4 = Restart (indicates that a router has restarted), 0x8 = End-of-Table (indicates that the transmission of the entire EIGRP database is complete).
Opcode – 4 bit field. 1 = Update, 3 = Query, 4 = Reply, 5 = Hello/Ack, 10 = SIA Query, 11 = SIA Reply.
Virtual router ID – 0x1 = Unicast Address Family, 0x2 = Multicast Address Family, 0x8000 = Unicast Service Address Family
0x0001 EIGRP Parameters (General TLV Types)
0x0002 Authentication Type (General TLV Types)
0x0003 Sequence (General TLV Types)
0x0004 Software Version (General TLV Types)
0x0005 Next Multicast Sequence (General TLV Types)
0x0102 IPv4 Internal Routes (IP-Specific TLV Types)
0x0103 IPv4 External Routes (IP-Specific TLV Types)
0x0402 IPv6 Internal Routes (IP-Specific TLV Types)
0x0403 IPv6 External Routes (IP-Specific TLV Types)
0x0602 Multi Protocol Internal Routes (AFI-Specific TLV Types)
0x0603 Multi Protocol External Routes (AFI-Specific TLV Types)
Packet types
- Hello in IPv4, and FF02::A in IPv6. 5 seconds; 60 seconds for NBMA with the bandwidth setting of 1544 kbps and less;
- Acknowledgement
always unicasted to the sender of the acknowledged packet. Hello packet with an empty body (that is, no TLVs) and having a non-zero Acknowledgment number field.
- Update
Multicast or unicast. During a new adjacency buildup – unicast, then – multicast. Might choose to use multicast for efficiency (DMVPN). On point-to-point interfaces and for statically configured neighbors – always unicast. Retransmit the Update as unicast to the unresponsive neighbor.
- Query
Involve neighbors in the task of searching for the best route toward a destination. ACK does not constitute a response to the Query message, only an acknowledgment that the Query has been received. Multicast on multiaccess, unicast on point-to-point and static neighbors; unicast to unresponsive neighbor.
- Reply
Response to Query. Always unicasted to the originator.
- SIA-Query
- SIA-Reply
If the neighbor is reachable and is still engaged in the diffusing computation for the destination specified in the SIA-Query, it will immediately respond with an SIA-Reply packet. As a result, the timer that governs the maximum time a diffusing computation is allowed to run is reset, giving the computation extra time to finish. Both are unicast.
Update, Query, Reply, SIA-Query, and SIA-Reply packets are also called reliable packets.
Next Multicast Sequence TLV contains the upcoming sequence number of the next reliable multicasted message. The Sequence TLV contains a list of all lagging neighbors by their IP address. A neighbor receiving this Sequenced Hello packet and not finding itself in the Sequence TLV will know that it is expected to receive the upcoming multicast packet, and will put itself into a so-called Conditional Receive mode (CR-mode). Sending router will send the next multicast packet with the CR flag set in its Flags field. Routers in CR-mode will process this packet as usual and then exit the CR-mode; routers not in CR-mode will ignore it.
multicast flow timer – time to wait for ACK
retransmission timeout (RTO) – time between the sub- sequent unicasts. Typically 6 times the SRTT. Min 100ms, max 5000 ms.
smooth round-trip time (SRTT) – average elapsed time, measured in milliseconds, between the transmission of a reliable packet to the neighbor and the receipt of an acknowledgment
If a reliable packet is not acknowledged before 16 retransmissions and the Hold Timer duration has passed, re-initialize the neighbor.
Router Adjacencies
Parameters to match:
- EIGRP Authentication Parameters (if configured)
- EIGRP K-Values
- EIGRP Autonomous System (AS) Number
- Use of primary addresses for EIGRP neighbor relationships
- Use of the common IP network address on a single subnet
Timers (do not need to match):
Hello – 5 seconds; 60 seconds for NBMA with the bandwidth setting of 1544 kbps and less;
Hold – 15 or 180 seconds, depending on the interface type. Changing Hello does NOT result recalculation of Hold.
add image from page 377 here.
- Reported Distance (RD) (or Advertised Distance) corresponds to the current best distance of the particular neighbor to the destination.
- Computed Distance (CD) shows the total metric of reaching the destination over the particular neighbor. RD of the neighbor + the cost of the link to the neighbor.
- FD is a record of the lowest known distance since the last transition from the Active to Passive state. FD is a historical record, or a historical copy, of the smallest known CD toward a particular destination, with the history starting anew with the last Active-to-Passive transition. Not necessarily equal to CD. Internal value. Not advertised.
- Feasibility condition – any neighbor whose Reported Distance is strictly smaller than this router’s Feasible Distance cannot form a routing loop. RD < FD. Sometimes called the Source Node Condition.
Feasible Successors – neighbors that pass the FC.
Successors – neighbors that report the least CD.
Local & diffusing computations.
After a failure:
1. Choose the neighbor that provides the least CD.
2. If it meets FC – start using it right away; if it does not – put route into Active .
Stuck-In-Active – torn down all neighbors that did not reply. Consider that they responded with an infinite metric.
Active timer – 3 min; 1 – 65535.
(config-router)#timers active-time
If a neighbor does not respond to a Query message with its Reply within half of the Active timer time, the router will send the neighbor a SIA-Query message. Wait for SIA-Reply within the next half of the Active timer. Receiving an SIA-Reply allows the Active timer to be reset. Three SIA-Queries can be sent, each after half of the Active timer.
Named Mode
Starting from 15.0(1)M.
Multiple processes named and classic mix.
All EIGRP-related commands outside the named mode (such as per-interface commands) will be ignored if configured.
- Address Family (AF) section: the AS is part of AF definition
- Per-AF-interface section: af-interface default holds settings for all IFs.
- passive-interface – do not form adj
- shutdown – completely ignore
Per-AF-topology section: Multi Topology Routing (MTR) in EIGRP. topology base is always present.
Router ID
4 Byte. Manually or highest IP of Lo.
Can be different for each AF.
External routes tagged by RID. Dropped if own RID received.
Recent IOSs tag internal routes also. and disallowed.
(config-router)#eigrp router-id
Unequal-Cost Load Balancing
variance multiplier
topology base variance multiplier
Defines how many times worse than the best path a route through a Feasible Successor can be.
Add-Path Support
Since IOS 15.3.2(T)
Must be installed in touting table (maximum-path , metric ).
Split Horizon must be deactivated on the multipoint tunnel interface (DMVPN).
Only in named mode. Range 1 – 4.
R1-Hub(config)# router eigrp CCIE R1-Hub(config-router)# address-family ipv4 unicast autonomous-system 1 R1-Hub(config-router-af)# topology base R1-Hub(config-router-af-topology)# variance 1 R1-Hub(config-router-af-topology)# maximum-paths 6 R1-Hub(config-router-af-topology)# exit R1-Hub(config-router-af)# af-interface Tunnel0 R1-Hub(config-router-af-interface)# no split-horizon R1-Hub(config-router-af-interface)# no next-hop-self R1-Hub(config-router-af-interface)# add-paths 4
The Variance (Unequal Cost Load Balancing) and Add-Path features are not compatible with each other.
no next-hop-self no-ecmp-mode is recommended with the Add-Path feature if the hub uses multiple tunnel interfaces to reach the spoke sites (avoid setting NHS when the route is reachable via other tunnel if any of these routes’ Successors can be reached over the interface on which the route is going to be readvertised).